11th National Parliamentary election: Festive mood prevails in Port City centring national polls

Chattogram Bureau :
Enthusiastic mood prevailing in port city centring national polls .Every nook and corner of the second largest city Chattogram and its adjacent upazilas and districts are pulsating with election festivity soon after the Election Commission (EC) has rescheduled the 11th national parliamentary polls.
All stage is set by EC Chattogram to conduct a free, fair and credible election on December 30, EC Chattogram office sources said.
As per EC polls schedule, the office of EC Chattogram has finalized the panel of election officials in three categories consists of 37,440 for 16 constituencies of Chattogram in the district and city for upcoming national polls, scheduled to be held on December 30.
These officials divided into three categories include 2089 Presiding Officers, 11,752 Asstt Presiding officers and 23,599 Polling Officers. These officials will be deployed in 10,683 booths of 1899 polling centers for conducting the polls in a fair and peaceful manner. District EC officer Mohammad Munir Hossain Khan said the list of the officials consisting of officials of different government, semi government, autonomous, statutory bodies, government affiliated educational institutions, banks, insurance companies and officials at thana and upazila levels have been sent to EC secretariat after scrutinizing of the list, by the district EC and upazila EC office.
District EC sources said this year the total voters in Chattogram city and district are 56 lakh, 39 thousand and 363, including female 27,24,942 voters. Of the total, 19,03,685 voters live in Chattogram city and 37,35,678 in 13 constituencies of the district, sources said. Meanwhile, a total of 27 executive magistrates have been deputed in Chattogram to oversee flouting of any code of conducts in 16 constituencies.

37,440 officials to be deployed in Chattogram during JS election

Election Commission office of Chattogram finalises the panel of election conducting officials consists of 37,440 for 16 constituencies of Chattogram in forthcoming parliament polls scheduled to be held on December 30 next.
These officials divided in three categories, EC office sources added.
Out of total, Presiding Officer 2089,Asstt. Presiding officer 11,752 and polling officer 23,599. These officials will be deployed in 10,683 booths(polling room) of 1899 polling centres to conduct polling in fair and peaceful manner.
 It is learnt from district EC officer Md. Munir Hossain Khan that the list of these officials consists of officials of different govt, semi govt, autonomous, govt affiliated educational institutions, Bank, Insurance company officials at thana and upazila level have been sent to Regional Election Office and Election Commission secretariat after finalisation of the list that sent to district EC office by thana and upazila Election officer.
 While contacted District Election Officer Munir Hossain Khan told that EC office already sent to final list of Presiding, Asstt. Presideing and polling officers to EC Secretariat in the meantime.
District EC sources said the number of voters in city and district areas of Chattogram is 56 lakh, 38 thousand and 363 including male voters 29,14,421 and female 27,24,942 . Out of total, voters in Metropolitan city 19,03,685 and 37,35,678 in 15 upazilas of the district, sources said.
5 EEC team in Chattogram to watch irregularities during election
Five election enquiry committee (EEC) to be deployed in 16 constituent areas of Chattogram during 11th parliamentary election period scheduled to be held on December 30 next. Each EEC consists of One Joint District Judge and one senior Asstt. Judge/Asstt.Judge.
It was learnt from district Election Office sources followed by a letter received from Deputy secretary of Election commission office. These committee will work to control and resist irregularities in polling centres , sources added.
These committee will discharge their duties till publication of election result gazette. Metionable that Election commission constituted 5 committees for 16 constituencies i.e, EEC -1 for Chattogram 1,2,3 , EEC-2 for Ctg 4,5,6 , EEC-3 for Ctg 7,8,9 EEC-4 for Ctg 10,11,12 & 13, EEC -5 for 14,15 &16 constituencies.
There is a provision to constitute EEC under section 91(A) of RPO to control and resist any sorts of irregularities after announcement of election schedule and during polling period like as violation of code of election conduct, vote rigging and poll violence etc. It was apprised by the Deputy secretary of Election commission office Md. Sharif Hossain Haider .
According to letter of EC, Ministry of Law & Parliament Affairs constituted these EEC for 11th parliament election headed by one Joint District Judge and one Sr. Asstt. Judge or Asstt. Judge in each committee. District Election Officer of Chattogram Md. Munir Hossain Khan admitted the receipt of EC letter regarding EEC for Chattogram district. .The last date for submission of nomination papers is Novemeber 28 and secrutiny of NPs on December 2 and withdrawal of NP on December 9 . The election symbol will be announced to the candidates on December 10 next.
Journo Abu Sufian seeks AL ticket
for Chattogram-15 JS seat
A total of 18 aspirant of Awami League leaders have submitted for party nominations from Chattogram-15 (Satkania-Lohagara) Constituency.
The aspirant candidates include, Abu Sufian, Aminul Islam, Nejamuddin Ahmed Nadvi, Motaleb Ahmed, Muhammad Idris, Mainuddin Hasan Chowdhury, Dr Minhazur Rahman.
Of them, Abu Sufian is the former President of Ctg Press Club. He is also the Chief Editor of Weekly Chattala, and the Editor of the Daily Purbapranta. He is now the Director of the Rupali Bnak Limited. Abu Sufian is the former President of Ctg South unit of BCL. He was the Central Executive Member of BCL.
Presently he is holding the post of the President of Dhemsha High School Managing Committee and the Ichhamati Dakhil Madrasha.
