Feni police continues awareness campaign to prevent rumours

Parshuram (Feni) Correspondent :
 Feni police administration here has been continuing separate awareness raising campaign to prevent incidents like lynching of innocent people suspecting child lifter and spreading rumours,
Chittagong Range police, Feni district police and six upazilla thana police under Feni district are separately holding awareness meeting to prevent these menace in different educational institutions and other important public place. Police are also conducting campaign using milks, distributing leaflets and having awareness meeting with different professional bodies including public representatives.
Chittagong range DIG official lunched campaigns separately on Wednesday last.
Meanwhile, Feni town and Districts Units Awami League in a joint statement alleged that leaders and activities of BNP -Jamaat are involved in spreading rumours in planned way to achieved their heinous political interest.
The AL leaders urged common people to provide information to police and other law enforcement agencies to help prevent criminal offense like lunching of innocent people by mass beating.