Feni madrasah boy tortured, hospitalised

UNB, Feni :
A madrasah teacher allegedly tortured a student with a cricket bat and stump after hanging him from a ceiling fan in a madrasah at Paglamia Road in the district town on Saturday.
Yakub Nabi, father of the tortured student Ariful Islam of Satgaria village in Chouddagram upazila, said when Ariful, a student of Misbahul Quran Ulum Sunnah Madrasah, sought permission from his teacher Mosharraf Hossain for going home on Friday morning, he turned furious and beat him mercilessly.
Later, Ariful, who got admitted to the madrasah
three weeks ago, was taken to Sadar Hospital on Saturday afternoon. Ariful said when he took shelter in a bathroom at one stage of torture, teacher Mosharraf dragged him out with the help of two of his classmates and beat him further.
Dr Sarwar Jahan, a duty doctor at the Sadar Hospital, said the child was undergoing treatment at the hospital as his body bore several injury marks.
Amirul Haq, assistant superintendent of Feni police circle, said legal action will be taken against the accused teacher, who went into hiding after the incident.