Feasibility study completed to construct 2nd Padma Bridge


Staff Reporter :
The feasibility study for the construction of the second Padma Bridge at the Daulatdia-Paturia point under the Bridge Division has been completed.
Necessary steps will be taken after getting instruction in this regard.
Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader told the Jatiya Sangsad (JS) on Monday.
The Minister for Road Transport and Bridges made the remarks in a written reply to a question from Jatiya Party lawmaker Syed Abu Hossain Babla, during a question-and-answer session for ministers in Parliament.
Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury presided over the session.
Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said, “After the Awami League government took over power in 2009, it gave top priority to the Padma Bridge project and started construction of the 9.63 km long bridge with viaduct at an estimated cost of Tk 30,193 crore with its own funds.”
Construction of the main bridge is almost completed and the Prime Minister has agreed to inaugurate this dream bridge on June 25, he said.
He further said that a feasibility study has been conducted for the construction of second Padma Bridge at Paturia-Daulatdia under the Bridge Division. Necessary steps will be taken after getting instructions, he added.
