FBCCI for getting benefit from Blue Economy

Business Desk :
FBCCI will work to get due benefit from Blue Economy utilizing the potentials as Bangladesh achieved expanded sea boundary. It is possible to contribute to the national economy by utilizing Blue Economy through fishing, tourism and other relevant activities. FBCCI, in this regard, eager to work with the government with proper planning. Moreover, FBCCI would like to work closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to boost the regional and international trade. The FBCCI leaders discussed these matters at a meeting of the FBCCI Standing Committee relating to Ministry of Foreign Affairs (International Organizations) held on Sunday at its board room, said a press release.
Kazi Khurram Ahmed, Chairman of the Standing Committee presided over the meeting while Md. Riyadh Ali, Director (In- Charge) of the committee, at the meeting presented the detailed plan of the committee. Members came from different sectors also joined the meeting.