FBCCI discusses investment opportunities with South Africa’s chamber of commerce


Business Desk :
To discuss opportunities on trade and investment between Bangladesh and South Africa, the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI) on Tuesday took part in a cloud conference titled, ‘Bilateral Trade and Investment Opportunities in the Ongoing Global Pandemic and Beyond’ alongside the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DCCI).
FBCCI President Sheikh Fazle Fahim, FBCCI Vice President Siddiqur Rahman, DCCI President Nigel Ward and CEO of DCCI Palesa Phili addressed the cloud conference discussing collaboration to boost both economies in a post-pandemic world, said a press release.
Thanking the Durban Chamber for its cooperation, Sheikh Fazle Fahim stated, “This year marks the 100th birth centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Tuesday’s program commemorates his legacy and is a part of our ongoing international engagements with 129 globally strategic partner organizations in 51 countries.”
