Farmers’ markets being revitalised in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
Following time-fitting measures, the existing Farmers Marketing Groups (FMG) coupled with their respective markets are gradually being revitalised and strengthened in the country’s northwest zone benefitting rural farmers and growers.
There are 75 growers markets and 20-member FMG was formed based on each of the markets in the region both in Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions. The region is a land of agriculture as it is very suitable for production crops.
Northwest Crop Diversification Project (NCDP) initiated the building of the trade centres and FMGs formation to develop a sound marketing network besides promoting entrepreneurship in agro-based small enterprises and non-farm activities.
Main thrust of the markets were to increase income for the farmers under the project area by providing fair prices to the farmers through linking farms to markets and extension of marketing services besides reducing distress sale of crops of the small and medium farmers.
To reduce post harvest losses and marketing cost by giving training, motivation and by doing other promotional activities was allied objective. As an effort to make those effective and proper functional besides addressing the problems Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) has implemented a project.
The three-year scheme titled “Acceleration of the markets through strengthening the 75 FMGs” was executed by spending around Taka 2.38 crore by June last, said Subol Bose Moni, Deputy Director of DAM and Director of the project.
The DAM is mandated to oversee and develop the marketing system which is dominated by some intermediary private traders.
Under the project, measures were taken to ensure food security, reduce poverty and employment generation through proper marketing of the agricultural products.
There were provisions of facilitating the farmers in getting fair prices of their produces besides creating equal participation opportunities of the farmers and traders in marketing.
More than 8,300 farmers were brought under training on various issues like value addition and best market management. Through motivational tour, the FMG members were made competent for their more benefits.
Subol Moni says the five-year NCDP was implemented for increasing production of high-value crops,reducing imports, enhancing affordable and varied nutritious diets for the poor and raise farmers’income.
The main objective of the project was to create employment through development of small enterprises. It gives priority to financing the women entrepreneurs.
He added that the project provides training to the entrepreneurs coupled with helping increase farmers’ income by cultivating high-value crops and adopting appropriate modern production technologies and improved marketing. It had also a provision to improve food security and nutritional status, and promote sustainable partnerships between non-government organizations and the public sector agencies in agricultural extension and raise their capacities in crop finance.
If the overall marketing is improved substantially, it will serve the interests of the super markets and the customers. A study is needed for collecting relevant information in this emerging field of high end marketing, Subol Moni opined.