Farmers getting good profit by cultivating cucumber in Gopalganj Sadar Upazila


Gopalganj Correspondent :

Farmers of Durgapur Union under Gopalganj Sadar upazila in the district are being greatly benefiting from the cultivation of cucumber origin ‘Green Line’ as the crop is being sold at a high price in local markets recently.
According to Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Goalganj official sources said about 70 hectors of land have been brought under cucumber cultivation and production target at 1,425 tones (MT) this current season in the district of them 10 hectors of land farming in Durgapur under Sadar upazila in Gopalganj, sources said.
Mani Sheikh (35), a local farmer of village Bedgram, Sadar upazila said, he cultivated cucumber origin ‘Green Line’ on one acre of land (100 decimal) this year. Where spend taka 45,000 and he already been sold at taka 75,000 from it produce but rest of cucumber may be sold above taka 90,000 if the weather condition is remains favorable, Mani said during visit his field. Farmers in this reason are cultivating the vegetable widely as its demand is higher than any farmers other vegetables of all. They are more interested for more benefit from it produce, local sources said.
Some local farmers said, a growers can good profit about taka 90,000 to taka 92,000 from per bigha (52 decimal) of land. Above 100 farmers of Durgapur union under Sadar upazila in the district have been farming on cucumber origin ‘Green Line’ variety this year and farmers selling per maund (40 kg) at the rate of taka 1,200 in the local markets.
While this correspondent visited a cucumber field at Karargati area under Sadar upazila on Sunday (Yesterday) it was found that farmers working in their field and harvesting with smile faces. Nitul Roy, Upazila Agriculture Officer (UAO), Gopalganj Sadar told The New Nation the various kinds of cucumber including green line variety is being more farming in this region and farmers are more interested cultivation on this crop due to more production & more benefit in a sort duration, from the crop UAO added.
Sukdeb Biswas (42), another farmer of village Nilokhi northpara under Sadar upazila said, he cultivated cucumber origin ‘green line’ on 1.50 acres of land & spend taka 55,000 and he collecting 4 to 5 maunds from his field everyday. Which market price above taka 5,000 to taka 6,000 continuing he selling it and Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) helped us on our farming while we were seeking their suggestion, Sukdeb said.
