Commentary: Farhad Mazhar`s abduction was not an ordinary case

This is not for the first time that an eminent citizen of the country was abducted but mastery lie in the fact that he has been released alive though shattered. The question is why should such cases of disappearance are occurring in our country when we have so many efficient security agencies. Mr. Farhad Mazhar an internationally known philosopher and poet. He is certainly not rich that anybody will kidnap him for money. For his free thinking views he was jailed before. But to kidnap him cannot be an ordinary event. It was a daring move to create insecurity of life in the midst of general fear for all sorts of uncertainties.

Mr Farhad has said his abduction was made to cause embarrassment to the government. It is good that the government involvement has been denied. But that does not mean such disappearances do not question the government’s competence for arranging security of life.

It has to be found out who abducted the social activist; who is also a poet and prolific writer with anti-establishment political views. If demanding ransom was the only cause such case could follow a different course but releasing him without ransom raises serious question about the real motive of the abductors. Such cases of sudden disappearance – whoever has the hand behind it – are totally abhorrent and unacceptable since it clearly threatens public security.


It is the responsibility of the government now to unearth the mystery. Not that our intelligence agencies lack the capabilities, and in fact they have amply proved their capacity by rescuing him in shortest possible time. But why such things should happen time and again without fearing the law enforcement agencies is the big question.

Our detective and special branch police, RAB and other paramilitary forces have been created to ensure safety in public life before all else. As expected by the people – whether one is a VIP, politician or public office holder or not – safety to life and property is the constitutional right of all citizens.

We know people in our law enforcement agencies are dedicated public servants and they are risking their live for safety of our lives. They have no political axe to grind. To our law enforcing agencies nothing should be more sacred or challenging than to make Bangladesh a safe country for all and not just for the few. They are for the people and the country. The public money is spent but public safety will not be taken seriously – this is not the right thing.

Mr. Farhad Mazhar’s abductors must be exposed to expose the criminal gang endangering public life. They are undermining the country’s image internationally to tell Bangladesh is not a safe country to do business.
