FAO focuses on programmes for food security in B’desh

BSS, Dhaka :
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will focus on delivering technical assistance programmes to develop capacity and institutions for long term benefit of food security in Bangladesh.
The FAO is giving priority to technical and development assistances for enhancing agricultural productivity to achieve self-sufficiency in food, FAO Representative in Bangladesh Mike Robson told the launching ceremony of FAO’s Country Programme Framework (CPF) 2013-2018 here on Thursday. The Economic Relations Division (ERD) and the FAO organized the function at the conference room of ERD.
ERD Secretary Mejbahuddin, senior officials and representatives of different organizations, among others, addressed the function. Joint secretary of ERD Sultana Afroz conducted the launching ceremony.
The CPF 2014-2018 is a central strategic document for FAO in Bangladesh, Robson said adding it sets out FAO’s priorities for the current 5 year period, in its technical and development assistance to Bangladesh.
Mejbahuddin said, “The CPF is a critical strategic document in supporting FAO’s provision of technical, policy and capacity development support around the world as well as in our own country.” The CPF will make better contribution to the development of agriculture sector and the achievement of food security for people of the country, he added.
The FAO sources said the specific objectives of the CPF are to identify country level priority areas of work, assistances needs and investment opportunities.
The new FAO country priority areas for 2014-2018 are, reduce poverty and enhance food security and nutrition, enhance agriculture productivity through diversification, sustainable management of natural resources, use of quality inputs and mechanization.
Other priority areas are, improvement of market linkage, value addition and quality and safety of the food system, further improvement of technological generation and adaptation, increase resilience of communities.