Fakhrul decries repression on children

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Tuesday bemoaned that minor boys and girls are being subjected to ‘inhuman’ torture as a children-friendly society cannot be built even after 48 years of the country’s independence.
“Whenever we read newspapers or watch news on TV channels we get frustrated and feel pains as our children are now not spared from hatred or terror acts. Our children are being often subjected to killings and repressions.
We don’t understand how a flower like infant can be killed and tortured,” he said.
Speaking at the launching of 11th national child artiste competition, Shapla Kuri-2019, the BNP leader further said, “What kind of country and society have we built where we can’t love the innocent children and create a beautiful future for them? Even after 48 years of the independence, we couldn’t create a society where our children can love people, love each other, love the country and their motherland.”
Zia Shishu Academy organised the event at the Institution of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh
Depicting the current situation of the country, Fakhrul said uncertainty, instability and fear are prevailing everywhere. “We didn’t wage the Liberation War in 1971 for building such Bangladesh. We didn’t expect to see such a scenario of the country after 48 years of its liberation.”
He said the freedom fighters liberated the country with a dream to create a livable, happy, peaceful and prosperous Bangladesh. “Our dream didn’t succeed. We’ve made many roads and buildings, and our lifestyle has changed a lot. But we still haven’t been able to build a safe land inhabitable country for our children. What else can be more shameful than it?”
The BNP leader called upon all to work together for building a peaceful, happy and lovable society for children removing hatred, spite and violence.
He accused the government of distorting history and presenting BNP founder Ziaur Rahman negatively before children. “It’s unfortunate that we want to deny his contributions and belittle him. But the nation remembers his contributions and evaluates him.”
Pointing at chidden, Fakhrul said, “You’ve to hear many negative and distorted things about Ziaur Rahman that aren’t right. He’s the person who pronounced the independence of our country and inspired people to engage in the Liberation War, and fought himself.”
He also recalled Ziaur Rahman’s various steps, including founding Shishu Academy and launching Natun Kuri competition, for the development of children.
The BNP leader said Ziaur Rahman wanted children to groom themselves as worthy citizens acquiring knowledge and build the country imbibing patriotism.
Fakhrul wished a success of Shapla Kuri-2019.