Arson case: Fakhrul, 25 others acquitted

Court Correspondent :
The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court of Dhaka on Thursday exempted 26 BNP-men including the party’s Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir of the charges in a case filed for an arson attack that left a bus driver dead in 2014.
After examining the case dockets and other relevant documents, Magistrate Khurshid Alam passed the order. The court also accepted the charges against six accused in the case.
Earlier on September 6 last year, detectives pressed charges against the six persons dropping the names of Fakhrul and 25 others.
Bus driver Mohammad Babul Howlader and two passengers sustained critical injuries when a bus was set on fire near Shahbagh on January 3, 2014.
Babul Howlader, who received eight percent burn injuries, succumbed to his injuries later.