Facts about Scotland


Situated within a vibrant Europe, Scotland is progressive nation built on dynamism, creativity and the fabulous warmth of its people.
Tourism is one of Scotland’s most lucrative assets, focusing on such attractions as golf, walking and a rich history. In industry, too, the country is pioneering and enterprising. Key business sectors include life sciences, electronic technologies, energy and financial services.
Scotland also boasts a thriving export market with an impressive global reach, especially in food and drink – including Scotland’s famous whisky – and chemicals.
While Scotland is a small nation it has big ambitions.
Capital Edinburgh
Largest City Glasgow
Official Language(s) English, Gaelic, Scots
Government Constitutional monarchy
Queen (of the UK) Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister (of the UK) David Cameron MP
First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond MSP
Area 78,772 km² (30,414 sq mi)
Population Around 5.2 million
(National Records of Scotland)
Population Density 64/km² (167.5/sq mi)
GVA per head £19,744 (2009)
(Office for National Statistics)
Currency Pound sterling (GBP)
Population Around 5.2 million
Birth rate 11.3 births per 1,000 population
Death rate 10.3 deaths per 1,000 population
Net migration rate 4.1 migrant(s) per 1,000 population
Population growth rate 0.54% (between 2009 and 2010)
Life expectancy at birth female: 80.1 yrs, male: 75.3 yrs
Literacy 99%
