Experts trash Health Minister’s remark over corona

"˜Without obtaining vaccine the virus may be long lasting'


Reza Mahmud :
When vaccine is the only way to get rid of the curse of coronavirus, the health minister is clearly showing government’s ignorance to tackling the issue, which made experts seriously worried.
Health Minister Zahid Maleque on Saturday said in a programme in the capital that whether the vaccine arrives or not, the coronavirus will be eliminated automatically from Bangladesh.
On the very same day, the health minister said in a different programme in a neighbouring district of Manikgonj, that after talking with Prime Minister, he will take decision on vaccine obtaining process.
Such comments of health minister made it clear that the country yet has to decide whether it obtains a vaccine or not.
Public health experts said without joining a process to get vaccine earlier, the virus may be long lasting in the country which will be disastrous.
They said, the whole world is waiting with utmost intention to get a vaccine to make safe people from the fatal disease.
Many countries are trying to invent vaccines to prevent the virus spreading in their territories.
A number of countries have become partners with others regarding this, many of them are trying to get vaccines as early it will be invented and approach in market.
All the countries of the world are waiting tirelessly to get a vaccine as there is no other alternative to be safe from the virus.  
But, Bangladesh is yet to decide whether it would start a process to obtain a vaccine or not to start.
A process of trial of a Chinese vaccine has to conduct in Bangladesh, but it also fell into a lengthy process.
Health Minister said on Saturday that after talking to the Prime Minister it would be decided whether it would take part on the trial or obtain vaccine from other countries.
Eminent Medicine Specialist and Prime Minister’s personal physician Professor Dr. ABM Abdullah said, “I cannot understand how the Covid-19 would be eliminated ‘automatically’ if vaccine is used or not. It is not a rational speech. How the virus gets away automatically?”
He said, “We are as well waiting for a vaccine to be safe and get the people safe from the pandemic. There is no way to be safe from contamination of coronavirus without a vaccine. A vaccine is a must to return normal life.”
The expert said, no one can say that when the virus will be eliminated. Like other viruses and diseases, Covid-19 may exist long in the planet.
In these circumstances, the expert said, only a vaccine can be the right answer.
When contacted, Professor Dr. M Muzaherul Huq, former Advisor of World Health Organisation (WHO) said, “Health Minister’s speech is totally political. It has no logic and it has no relation with science.”
There is two ways to combat with the virus, one is to follow WHO rules in individuals and institutional stages and the another is a vaccine.
Ultimately, there is no way to get rid of from the virus without having a vaccine.
Both the experts said the rich countries may buy the vaccine as early it arrives. Other countries are on race joining already as research partners or booking first as procurement process.
But Bangladesh is far away from the rally.
It is a matter of anxiety, and so the government should start a process to obtain an effective vaccine to make the people safe, the experts opined.
