Experts hopeful of self-sufficiency in milk production

BSS, Rajshahi :
Livestock experts at a post-rally discussion on Friday mentioned Bangladesh is going to achieve self-reliance in milk production in near future.
The experts told the meeting that the county produces 72 metric tonnes of milk against the demand of 90 lakh tonnes annually at present.
Rajshahi district produces four lakh metric tonnes of milk against the demand of 5 lakh tonnes, they said.
Divisional and district offices of Department of Livestock Services (DLS) jointly organized the discussion at its office conference hall to mark the ‘World Milk Day- 2018’. “Drink milk, Keep healthy” was the main theme of the discussion.
Chaired by divisional deputy director of DLS Dr Sheikh Azizur Rahman, the meeting was addressed, among others, by deputy director of Regional Poultry Farm Sabbir Ahmed, Assistant Director Dr Humayun Kabir, and Additional District Livestock Officer Zulfiker Akhter Hossain.
The discussants unequivocally called for boosting consumption of milk to eradicate the malnutrition problems particularly among the poor and distressed children.
They said milk consumption is very important for both physical and mental development of the children. So, utmost emphasis should be given to ensure fair price of milk and its safe supply.
During his keynote presentation, Ismail Haque, assistant director of animal production, highlighted the importance and significance of the day besides giving an overview of milk production in the division.
He mentioned that large-scale promotion of the livestock sector is very important to remove the existing protein deficiency alongside ensuring food security.
On the occasion, the DLS officials fed milk to 150 babies and children in two orphanages in the city on Friday.