Experts for withdrawal of VAT from IT-based service sectors


Business Desk :
A Meeting of the FBCCI Standing Committee relating to Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology (Posts and Telecommunications Division) was held on Thursday at FBCCI Board Room. Business leaders at the meeting discussed on different aspects of the Information Technology and Telecommunication sector. They also discussed on factors relating to these two promising sectors in the national budget for 2018-2019.
Discussants at the meeting urged for withdrawal of VAT from the IT-based service sectors. They welcomed the decision of imposing duty on importing foreign softwears to protect the local mobile manufacturing industry. The meeting emphasized on development of IOT (Internet of Things) in the country. The business leaders put emphasis on standardization of services provided by the telephone operators. They also felt the need for creating awareness about the offers provided by the operators.
Mr. Mohammad Anwar Sadat Sarker, Director In- Charge of the committee, at the meeting presented the detailed future plan of the committee. Eng. Mohammed Nizam Uddin Zitu, Chairman of the Standing Committee presided over the meeting. FBCCI Director Hafez Harun-Or-Roshid also participated in the discussion. Members from different sectors also attended.
