Experts for raising mass awareness on environmental conservation


Environmental experts, foreign envoys, NGO representatives and media personalities on Tuesday called all stakeholders for taking initiatives to raise mass awareness and promote local action on environmental conservation.
They made the call while taking part in an interactive discussion titled ‘Connecting People to Nature: Promoting Local Environmental Actions’.
The Canadian High Commission in Dhaka in collaboration with UNDP Bangladesh organised the event on the high commission premises, marking the ‘World Environment Day 2017.
Taking part in the discussion the Canadian High Commissioner in Dhaka BenoOt-Pierre Laram,e expressed Canada’s commitment towards the Paris Agreement saying “The momentum around the Paris Agreement and climate action is unstoppable”.
“Canadians see the very real impacts of climate change and understand the need to take action to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations,” he added.
Focusing on Canada’s leadership role of climate change issue, he said Canada would continue to take such role in tackling climate change and growing a cleaner economy.
“In this connection, he said Canada, China and the European Union will co-host a ministerial meeting in September to move forward on the Paris Agreement and green growth. As G7 host in 2018, it will have a focus on climate change and clean energy,” he added.
