Experts for exploring prospect of animal husbandry in char areas

BSS, Rangpur :
Experts at a training course have stressed for exploring brighter prospect of the expanding animal husbandry sector in char areas to enhance socioeconomic uplift of extremely poor people living there.
International Development Enterprise (IDE)-Bangladesh organised the daylong ‘Training Course for Improving Expertise of Char Business Committee (CBC)’ at CBC Shed Room in Char Binbinar village under Gangachara upazila here on Wednesday.
The training course was arranged for the members of the CBC for enhancing their expertise on expanding of the livestock sector and their related business activities under the Char Market Development Initiative (CMDI) Project.
The Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP) has been implementing the project with the assistances of UK-based Department for International Development (DFID), Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID) and Government of Bangladesh.
The IDE-Bangladesh has been working as the co-facilitator of CLP for enhancing the livestock sector to increase production of meat, high yielding variety, quick-growing and nutritious jumbo grass and market management development in the remote char areas.
Rangpur Regional Director of Agriculture Information Service Centre Md Abu Sayem attended the training course as the chief guest with Coordinator of IDE-Bangladesh for Rangpur Region Mahbubur Rahman in the chair.
Coordinator of the CLP Dr Emran Hosain and Relationship Officer of United Leasing Company Rafikul Islam and Coordinator of IDE-Bangladesh for Rangpur Region Mahbubur Rahman conducted the training course as the resource persons.
Members of the CBC including dairy farmers, grass cultivators, cow fatteners, cattle traders, rural veterinary physicians, animal fodder traders and other stakeholders participated in the raining course.
The experts provided training and demonstrated the latest technologies among the participants on animal husbandry, cow-fattening, grass cultivation, animal fodders, milking and marketing through enhancing their expertise on the concerned sectors.
They said tens of hundreds of char people have already achieved economic self-reliance through commercial livestock rearing, cultivation of jumbo grasses and marketing those successfully to the main lands in recent years.
The chief guest stressed for expansion of the prospective animal husbandry sector in the vast char areas to make the extremely poor char people economically solvent through alleviating poverty and creating possibilities of exporting their products.