Expertise suggested for dealing cyber crimes cases efficiently


The Public Prosecutor of the country’s lone Cyber Crime Tribunal suggested dealing the cases related to cyber crimes more efficiently by improving the knowledge of law enforcing personnel in information communication technology (ICT).
“Currently, only 35 percent cyber crime related cases are disposed of due to major weaknesses in the charge sheets done by investigators who lack proper expertise in dealing such cases,” Public Prosecutor of the lone Cyber Crime Tribunal Nazrul Islam Shamim told BSS.
He said the rate of disposing of the cyber crime cases could have been much higher if the police officers, having appropriate knowledge on the ICT, would deal with such cases.
According to him, over 500 cases are now under trial at the tribunal, of which nearly 90 percent were filed under section 57 of the ICT Act while remaining others were lodged under sections 54, 55, 56 and 66 of the act.
Besides, 15 cases are related to fraudulent activities involving credit cards.
The tribunal has so far received 763 cases after its inception. Of the cases, 205 have so far been disposed of.
The public prosecutor has stressed the need for a specialised unit for investigating the cyber crime related cases for ensuring maximum punishment to the culprits.
The Home Ministry, however, has already given approval to a proposal of forming a full-fledged Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau for facilitating the police to properly deal with the cyber crime related cases.
The police headquarters sent the proposal to the home ministry for setting up of a 575-member specialised bureau while the ministry has approved 505 staff for it.
“The proposal regarding the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau has been sent to the Establishment Ministry from where it will be sent to the Ministry of Finance for approval,” Farooque Ahmed, assistant inspector general (AIG-organisation and management) of the police told BSS.
He hoped the bureau will start functioning soon after getting approval of the finance ministry.
“The introduction of the bureau will enhance the standard of investigation into the cyber crime related cases besides enhancing professional excellence of the police officers in dealing with such cases,” Additional Deputy
Inspector General Moniruzzaman of police headquarter said.
“The cyber crime related cases including hacking of social sites and online bank accounts, uploading adult stuff and using abusive words and comments on the net hurting religious sentiments are on the rise,” he said, adding that the bureau would help reduce the crimes significantly.
