Expert committee soon to assess faulty RMG factories

UNB, Dhaka :
The government will soon form an expert committee to assess the number of RMG factories built with faulty designs and suggest how such buildings could be made risk free, said Housing and Public Works Minister Engr Mosharraf Hossain
“The expert committee along with Rajuk officials will visit the factories and give their suggestions as early as possible,” he said at a seminar at the BGMEA auditorium in the capital.
Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) oraginsed the seminar, titled ‘Sharing Views on Buildings, Fire and Electric Safety Assessment in RMG Factories’.
The Housing Minister said the government is always aware of the problems of the readymade garment sector and it has been taking necessary steps to resolve the problems.
He said many RMG factories were not built in the industrial areas as earmarked in the Detailed Area Plan (DAP) of Dhaka city. However, such factories could not be shut down suddenly.
“Many structures were in the city before the announcement of DAP. Meanwhile, a committee has been formed to review the DAP,” Engr Mosharraf Hossain said.