Expat found dead in Maulvibazar


UNB, Maulvibazar :
 Police recovered the body of an expatriate form his house at Kunagaon village in Juri upazila on Saturday.
The deceased was identified as Dubai expatriate Shafiq Miah, 55, son of Karim Khan, a resident of the village.
Juri Police Station officer-in-charge Mahbubur Rahman said Shafiq went to sleep on Thursday night by locking doors of his room and then there was no response from him despite repeated knocking by his family members around 9:00am.
Afterwards, Shafiqul’s relatives broke into the room and found his body hanging with rope from a beam of the ceiling, the OC added.
Shafiqul had returned home from Dubai about six months ago after seven years of his stay there.
On information, police recovered the body and sent it to the district hospital morgue for an autopsy.
However, it can only be said after receipt of the post-mortem report whether the incident was a suicide or murder, police sources said.
