Ex-minister’s son who takes toilet cleaner dies

UNB, Khulna :
The younger son of former Fisheries and Livestock Minister Narayan Chandra Chanda died at a hospital in the capital on Wednesday night, several hours after he reportedly tried to kill himself swallowing toilet cleaner in Khulna.
Abhijit Chandra Chanda, 25, died at Square Hospitals Ltd around 9pm, said Narayan Chandra Chanda, also MP from Khulna-5 constituency. Abhijit took toilet cleaner at their Dumuria residence in the morning.
He was first taken to Khulna Medical College Hospital around 11am, said its assistant registrar Dr Khaled Mahmud. Later, he was sent to Dhaka as his condition deteriorated.
It was not immediately clear why the young man tried to take his own life.