Ex-judge with ‘Hizb-ut link’ gets bail

bdnews24.com :
Former assistant judge Sheikh Omar Sharif has secured a seven-day bail in a case over his alleged links with banned outfit Hizb-ut Tahrir.
The court of Chittagong’s First Metropolitan Magistrate bailed him Monday after he submitted a Tk 1 million bail bond.
However, the former Feni judge’s passport has been confiscated.
Sharif was ordered into jail last Sunday after he had
surrendered before the Chittagong court.
State counsel Ashok Das said the court had ordered investigations as to whether Sharif had other passports than the one confiscated.
Police in 2010 seized a huge amount of documents, posters, leaflets and materials pertaining to Hizb-ut Tahrir from Sharif’s Chittagong residence. A book by him on the banned outfit, too, was seized. He was subsequently accused in a criminal case and had been on the run since. Police claimed Sharif was an organiser of the outfit in Chittagong.