Evolving legal education to address pandemic stressed


Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Friday said the state organs and the academia have moral obligations so that legal education evolves to reflect the changing structures and functions of law amid the pandemic.
“To combat the unimaginable devastation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, states have adopted innovative legal actions ranging from restricting citizen’s fundamental rights without invoking emergency provisions of the constitution to incorporating new legal concepts,” he said.
The foreign minister made the remarks while inaugurating International Conference on ‘Law & Legal Education During and Post-Pandemic’ jointly organised by Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) and Asian Association of Law Professors (AALP) in the capital, marking the 50 years of BILIA.
Momen said the Covid-19 pandemic has a multifaceted impact on the nexus of human security and development, influencing socioeconomic, political, and cultural behaviours.
“What is at stake is the norms of codifying this behavioural matrix of the human-being and of the human societies…laws and legal education are pivots of this whole exercise,” he observed.
He lauded BILIA to organise the conference to share the perspectives of scholars from various jurisdictions to address the unique challenges that the legal arena is facing around the world.
BILIA Chairman Barrister M Amir-Ul Islam, Ambassador Muhammad Zamir, Professor and Dean of Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka Dr Md Rahmat Ullah and BILIA Professor Dr Mizanur Rahman spoke, among others, at inaugural session of the two-day conference.
