Ensuring smooth and inclusive graduation is key to BD: Envoy


Describing the LDC graduation as an important milestone and a remarkable feat for Bangladesh, Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Ambassador Patricia Danzi has said it is necessary for the country to prepare for the post-graduation era when certain market access preferences may cease to exist.
“One of the biggest challenges for Bangladesh going forward will be to ensure that its graduation journey is smooth, inclusive and sustainable, leaving no one behind,” Ambassador Danzi, who represented Switzerland in athletics at the 1996 Summer Olympic Games, told UNB in an interview.
She laid emphasis on addressing various structural reforms to enhance predictability in the market and demonstrate strong economic governance.
Currently, Ambassador Danzi said, the whole world is unsettled with the challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic which has created new poverty fault lines, upended the global economy and exacerbated inequality.
“In this crucial period and under our new Cooperation Programme, Switzerland will continue to work closely with Bangladesh to address poverty reduction and contribute to an inclusive economic development,” she said, wrapping up her visit to Bangladesh.
Looking to the future, Ambassador Danzi said, Switzerland will continue its “committed partnership with Bangladesh” towards the next stage of its development.
“During my visit, I’ve witnessed a lot of goodwill that Switzerland enjoys in this country and openness in dialoguing and exchanging views,” she said.
All these ingredients, Ambassador Danzi said, are central and they will want to build on that. “Now let’s take this next step together and work to create a prosperous and sustainable future for all.”
She said climate change is certainly another fundamental challenge and solutions to finance the necessary adaptation and mitigation measures will have to be in place.
“Durable and transparent climate financing was one of our priorities during the recent COP26 in Glasgow,” Danzi said.
Describing Switzerland’s relations with Bangladesh as “excellent”, she said they nurture a solid and forward-looking partnership in many major areas, including international cooperation, trade and investment, political and cultural spheres.
