Ensuring education for slum children stressed


Development activists and slum-dwellers at a human chain called for ensuring education rights of the slum daughter child for transforming them into worthy citizens. They mentioned that hundred percent school enrolment, quality teaching and stopping dropout can be the vital means of attaining the cherished goal of flourishing hidden talents of slum children.
Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK), a research-based development organisation, and Namobhadra Shelterless People Development Organisation (NSPDO) jointly arranged the programme at Namobhadra Slum in the Rajshahi recently in observance of the International Daughter Child Day- 2019. BARCIK Regional Coordinator Shahidul Islam, NSPDO President Shafiqul Islam and its General Secretary Miton Mian and slum- girls Chandi, Kakoli and Kajoli addressed the meeting.
