Dr Kamal to EC officials: Ensure voting rights of people honestly

Voters can defeat evil forces, cast vote in the morning


Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Oikyafront Chief and Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain on Saturday urged the Election Commission and election officials to ensure a peaceful environment so that people can vote freely in Sunday’s general election.
He said: “Returning officers, assistant returning officers and others involved in election activities are respectable people. If you discharge your duties properly, it will increase your dignity. The success of your duties will be determined by the smiles on the faces of voters.”
“If you take away anyone’s right, remember that someone else may take away the right of your father, mother, wife and children. If you do this, people, history and the law will not forgive you,” Dr Kamal added.
Addressing a press briefing held in the Dhaka Reporters’ Unity, Segunbagicha, Dhaka, the Jatiya Oikyafront leader urged young voters to go to polling stations in time to exercise their franchise.
“Vote tomorrow. Don’t let them intimidate you. Evil forces will flee before you. They can’t have people’s strength,”
“I urge respectable voters, please go to polling stations in the morning and cast your votes. Do not be scared. If you go [to voting centres], miscreants will flee… they cannot overpower the people’s strength,” the Oikyafront chief said.
Claiming that people have much fear and apprehension about the election, Dr Kamal said, such fear should cease.
“Now there should have been festivity, but there is much fear and apprehension in the public’s mind,” he said.
The 11th General election is set to be held from 8am to 4pm on Sunday, without interruption. Tight security measures have been taken across the country ahead of the polls.
