Ensure safety first in the riverine routes


THE Ministry of Shipping is now observing ‘Maritime Safety Week-2019’ that began on March 30 across the country with a view to securing the waterways from pollution and make the riverine journey hassle-free. Apart from it, the objective of observing the week is also to create awareness among the people on Maritime Laws and shipping related safety measures.
Bangladesh is a riverine country where waterways are very important means of communication. So, the Shipping Ministry this year should also focus on passengers’ safety in a bid to ensure comfortable journey along with keeping the rivers from illegal encroachment.
The riverine network has been regarded as safe and cost-effective route since long. In particular, the people of the country’s southern part use the riverine ways most. On an average, 87.80 million passengers are carried through this route every year, according to Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority. But what’s most disturbing that this important mode of transport is ridden with tragic disasters almost often resulting in a heavy toll of human lives. The routes of Barishal, Bhola, Chandpur and Patuakhali connected to Dhaka and Chattogram are found to be more accident prone.
The riverine journey becomes more risky especially from March-August due to seasonal nor’wester and incessant monsoon rains. Besides, plying of unfit vessels, overloading of passengers, recruitment of unskilled crew, poor capacity of relevant regulatory bodies and low standard maintenance of BIWTA channels make the riverine journey sometimes seriously disturbing and fatal.
In the previous days, we had observed that the authorities’ weakness in enforcing laws, mismanagement, negligence and irresponsibility, profit centred attitude of vessel owners and widespread corruption were the underlying causes of these disasters. Now, the Shipping Ministry must address the issues. We also urge the authorities concerned to take initiatives for ensuring the night journey secure with introducing digital lighting and signal systems.
But first of all, the reports of Investigation Committees on previous accidents should be made public along with ensuring punishment of responsible persons. The probe committees’ recommendations also shouldn’t be ignored. Side by side, stringent measures should be taken against illegal grabbers of the river banks, no matter how powerful they are.
