Energy efficient LED light to reduce business cost

Economic Reporter :
Speakers at a workshop have underscored the need for using energy efficient light in the garment factories with a view to reducing energy consumption and expenditure.
The use of LED lighting in lieu of T-8 and T-5 tube lights can significantly reduce energy consumption and expenditure as well as improve business competitiveness, they opined.
It was revealed during the “Workshop on Promotion of Energy Efficient LED Lighting in Garment Industry in ESCO Model” on Wednesday in the city.
The workshop was jointly organised by Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA).
M A Mannan, State Minister for Finance Ministry presented as the chief guest. Faruque Hassan, Senior Vice -President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association was the special guest in the workshop.
Dr Md Ziaur Rahman Khan, Professor, EEE and Director of Centre for Energy Studies, BUET presented a keynote
Md. Anwarul Islam Sikder, Chairman (Additional Secretary), SREDA, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources(MPEMR) presided the event.
David Hancock, Programme Manager, GIZ, Abdul Hai Sarker, Chairman, Purbani Group, Md Shah Jobaer, Managing Director, Energy + Electric and Electronics Pvt Ltd and Ziaul Hoque Khan, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director (CC), IDLC Finance Limited were present on the occasion.
The event focused on the findings from GIZ’s pilot project on “Promotion of Energy Efficient LED Lighting in Garment Industry,” which demonstratedthe energy saving potential of LED lighting even after taking into account the minimum lighting standards required for precision work at garments factories.As the project’s technical partner, the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) conducted a baseline study to assess the lighting demandsof the project’s partner Karim Textile of Purbani Group. BUET designed the specifications for replacing the existing energy intensive T-5 and T-8 tubes with more energy efficient LED lights. Energy + Electric & Electronics Pvt Ltd, as Energy Service Company (ESCO), manufactured and suppliedthe specified LEDs. As per study findings, compared over a period of more than six months for the same number of operating hours, LEDs consumed 57 per cent and 33 per cent less energy compared to T-8 and T-5 respectively. Although LED lights are more expensive, the payback period was just over one year.The study also revealed that more than 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per annum can be avoided if the existing 3,613 tube lights are replaced with LED lights.
Seeing the viability of the project, IDLC Finance Limited agreed to extend a loan for the project at a concessional rate and signed an agreement with Karim Textile during the workshop. A Memorandum of Understanding has also been signed between GIZ, Purbani Group, Energy + Electric and Electronics and IDLC to successfully implement the pilot project and transform the energy saving potential into reality.
GIZ also intends to be involved in comprehensive energy efficiency improvementsin the garments sector, like motor efficiency andboiler efficiency, through pilot projects and capacity development of stakeholders. The initiatives are part of the GIZ-implemented Sustainable Energy for Development (SED) programme, which is a joint undertaking between SREDA, Power Division, MPEMR of the Government of Bangladesh and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).