Eid telefilm Bibaho Bibhrat

Entertainment Report :
Antu Kareem, Zovan and Nadia are three friends. They live together, stay in same residence. When their house-owner informed he would keep bachelor tenants in his house they started to search a bride for Antu. While searching bride many interesting incidents take place and happen. At last, did they find bride?
Based on such an interesting story Dr Iftekhar Adnan wrote a comedy telefilm titled Bibaho Bibhrat, which will be aired on sixth day of Eid at 6:00pm on Dipto TV. Dr Iftekhar also gave its direction.
It is noted that besides acting and writing script sometimes Iftekhar Adnan for the first time worked as a director by this telefilm. Tazrin Jahan Linda, among others, also acted in the telefilm.