Egypt gears up for upcoming economic summit in restive Sinai

Xinhua, Cairo :
The Egypt is currently facing real security challenges to pave the way for its long-awaited economic summit in March in South Sinai’s Sharm El-Sheikh resort, particularly after the deadly terrorist attacks in the northern part of the restive peninsula.
In late January, a series of simultaneous terrorist attacks and suicide bombings against security men and premises in North Sinai killed more than 30 military and policemen in addition to 14 civilians.
Earlier in October 2014, a car-bomb attack also in North Siani killed around 30 Egyptian soldiers in North Sinai late October.
The Egyptian leadership is determined not to make the security challenges in Sinai affect its upcoming economic summit where it will offer worldwide partners foreign investment opportunities that are worth billions of U.S. dollars.
“The economic summit is the arm of Egypt,” said President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi last week in his remarks on the recent deadly attacks, reiterating that the summit will be held as planned.
Ahmed Eliba, researcher at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, sees that the security challenges in Sinai will not be “an obstacle” for the intended economic summit.
“Egypt is no longer fighting terrorism alone like in the 80s and the 90s, but for the first time the world is fighting the same kind of terrorism represented in the al-Qaida and the Islamic State (IS) terrorist groups,” Eliba told Xinhua.
He added that world is now aware that terrorism is a challenge but not an obstacle for economic gathering and foreign investments.