‘Efforts to make world a better place sought’


Farah Kabir, the Country Director of ActionAid Bangladesh, on Wednesday said the Earth Day is a day that reminds all of their duties towards the earth’s environment, the environment that is essential for them to have a healthy life.
“Individual actions may seem insignificant but if we, on this day, make a pledge together, our collective action can make the world a better place,” she said in her opening remarks during a webinar to celebrate 50 Years of Earth Day Celebration in Bangladesh.
Dr. S. M Munjurul Hannan Khan, Additional Secretary of Ministry of Information of the government of Bangladesh joined the webinar as a special guest.
Dr. Khan, an environmental expert, urged everyone not to take environmentally destructive actions.
“Over the past months of lockdown, the nature is trying to bring environmental equilibrium the world and restore what we have destroyed; we must be conscious of our consumption pattern and respect the environment,” he said.
The webinar was joined by Sabrina Shaeed, Principle of Sir John Wilson School, and shared inspirational stories of environmental actions led by the school children, including plantation of 2,500 trees, and pledged to bring changes in behaviour towards reducing waste and protecting the environment.Karuna Singh, Regional Director of South and Southeast Asia, Earth Day Network urged everyone to understand that they have one common home, one planet – there is no other planet. “So, we must do everything we can to protect it.”
At the closing session of the webinar, Anhara Rabbani, Resilience and Environment Sustainability Officer of ActionAid Bangladesh stated that the Earth Day is a reminder for all of them, especially the young people, be the protector of the plane and continue demonstrating leadership taking innovative actions and reaching out to our friends and families.
“We should really take a moment and think of post COVID19 scenario, based on what we’ve learned, we must take informed actions to favour our planet,” said Rabbani.
Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik, Manager of Earth Day Network Bangladesh, in his closing remark noted that coexistence with other species and plants are the only way to live better. “We should redefine our development approach towards a sustainable one where young people will lead.”
The 50 Years of Earth Day Celebration Webinar was jointly organized by Earth Day Network Bangladesh and ActionAid Bangladesh inviting young people from across the country and South Asia.
The event was livestreamed on social media as well.
