Economy, security woes dent popularity of Canada’s Trudeau

AFP, Ottawa :
One hundred days after Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government was sworn in, the still-popular Canadian prime minister faces mounting criticism, against the backdrop of a floundering economy and terror fears.
The 44-year-old Trudeau-a former schoolteacher and the son of a popular prime minister-immediately saw his international profile rise upon taking office on November 4, and he still enjoys strong support at home.
He has touted a multilateral foreign policy, and a more transparent governing style than his predecessor Stephen Harper, who was seen as prickly, awkward and more at home plowing through economic theory than glad-handing voters.
“Canada is back!” the youthful-looking prime minister with a broad smile, a twinkle in his eye and a thick mop of curls told world leaders at summits, looking to recast the image of the world’s fifth-largest oil producer from climate laggard to environmental champion.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon is expected to praise Canada’s shift in a visit to Ottawa on Thursday.
The economy, however, has cast a pall over Trudeau’s self-professed “sunny ways.”