Economic issues to dominate polls campaign


Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
Ruling Awami League (AL) and opposition BNP will highlight their economic policies during campaign as the country heads to polls on December 30.
The two main camps have already prepared the draft election manifesto highlighting their economic policies.
 “Economic issues will certainly dominate AL’s election campaign across the country. In fact, the economic prosperity that we have achieved during the tenure of the incumbent government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is not properly distributed to the common people. We are looking forward to spell out the achievement and economic policies to all during the polls campaign,” a central AL leader told The New Nation yesterday on condition of anonymity.
He said, this time the ruling AL is considering economy is a serous campaign issue when the country achieved over 7.0 per cent GDP growth in the last few years, taking advantage of AL’s pragmatic economic policies and big development projects.
“AL has taken pro-people development policy, offered friendly policies to investors, focused on export-led industrial growth and put emphasis on agro-sector development to sustain the high growth,” he said.
The AL leader further said that AL government has tremendously improved the livelihood of the people during its tenure and we will further furnish the living standard the people of all classes if they voted the party again.
“Bangladesh has become the role model of economic development in the world under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The economic success has brightened image of the country abroad.”
He also claimed that the macroeconomic fundamentals also remained strong during the tenure of AL government.
When asked, he said, the AL will heavily focus on youth centric development and create job for all if it assumes office again saying unemployment is the nation’s most important problem.
“AL’s economic policy will also foresee a big increase in spending on infrastructure, better roads, power and ports,” he added.
Bangladesh achieved the highest ever GDP growth of 7.86 per cent in the last fiscal year (2017-18), surpassing the target of 7.65 per cent.
The per capita income too increased to $1,751 in FY2017-18 from $1,610 in the previous fiscal year, according to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
The poll campaign will be dominated by economy to obtain people’s endorsement for the policy programmes advocated by them.
“BNP will focus its economic policies during poll campaign to obtain people’s endorsement for the policy programmes advocated by them,” Abdul Awal Mintoo, a Vice-President of BNP told The New Nation yesterday.
At the same time, the party would also highlight economic mismanagement during the AL’s rule that sent huge repercussion in the investment front and job market. It also brought dire consequences in the country’s financial sector eroding confidence of the investors.
When asked, he said, the incumbent government has taken many mega development projects, increased electricity generation and developed infrastructure. But these are not convincing for voters when high rate of joblessness prevailing in the economy.
“Corruption has taken a serious turn in the society and the country’s banking sectors is near to collapse due to bad governance and scams. All these have created adverse public sentiment which may be reflected in the next polls,” he noted.
Abdul Awal Mintoo mentioned that the country’s overall investment scenario remained almost sluggish during the incumbent government that badly affects job growth. BNP would take all-out measures to promote investment if people vote for the party.
“We will give thrust in promoting necessary investment as it is key to rapid economic development and create adequate job. AL has failed to create adequate jobs for the youths during its tenure posing a big challenge for the economy. Bad economic governance combined with sluggish investment left the gloomy job situation.”
When asked, Abdul Awal Mintoo, a former FBCCI president, said, if peopled vote for BNP, it will take tough action against swindlers of the bank money and loan defaulters so that discipline can be restored in the banking sector. “Big overall would also be made in the banks’ management to ensure good governance in banking industry,” he added.
Moreover, BNP will develop necessary infrastructure, improve port capacity and boost power generation to increase industrial production and productivity of the national economy.
