Eco-friendly production must to achieve SDG

UNB, Dhaka :
To achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030, the private industries have to be more eco-friendly, said experts at a roundtable in the city on Monday.
They said as 78 percent of the total production comes from private industries and entrepreneurs there is a need to develop an environment-friendly corporate culture where country’s environment would not be compromised for economic development. If production process causes contamination of the environment, Bangladesh will fail to achieve SDGs, they opined. Experts were taking part in the discussion on ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production (SDG Goal 12), Role of Private Sector’ held at a city hotel organized by Action Aid in league with University of Liberal Arts (ULAB) and Macomm.
SDG-12 featured prominently in the discussion as this goal stands for sustainable consumption and production for promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all.
Md. Aminul Islam, Professor of Environmental Science and Management of North South University (NSU), quoting an ongoing research of Action Aid said, “If the industry increases one percent in  
Bangladesh, environmental pollution levels increase to 12 percent because the production process is not durable and eco-friendly”. He also said, 17 percent of the total electricity use can be reduced as well as 21 percent of total pollution also can be cut through eco-friendly production process but this is not happening.