Tarique's video conferencing: EC has nothing to do


Staff Reporter :
The Election Commission (EC) Secretary Helaluddin Ahmad said on Monday that the Commission has nothing to do regarding BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman’s video conferencing to interview party aspirants for member of the Parliament race.
The EC Secretary’s statement came a day after Election Commissioner Md. Rafiqul Islam told the reporters that the Commission will look into Tarique’s involvement in party nomination process and will initiate appropriate actions if law permits.
Md. Rafiqul Islam was replying to journalists’ question on last Sunday that whether Tarique Rahman’s video conferencing to finalise party nominations acceptable under electoral ‘Code of Conduct’?
At the same time, Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader also asked the EC to look into it. In the evening of Sunday, AL Presidium Member Lt. Col. (Rtd) Faruk Khan filed a written complaint to EC in this regard.
In this background, the Commission held an emergency meeting on Monday.
While briefing the reporters after the meeting, EC Secretary Helaluddin Ahmad said the Commission has discussed in detail the complaint filed by AL against Tarique’s involvement in the party nomination process. Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda chaired the meeting.
“Tarique Rahman joined online to interview party aspirants for the Parliament election. As he (Tarique Rahman) is not in the country, the electoral ‘Code of Conduct’ will not be applicable for him,” Helaluddin told reporters at EC Bhaban on Monday.
He, however, said briefly that the court has a directive which may be applicable in this regard.
Meanwhile, EC Secretary said the list of repressive cases against BNP men submitted to the Commission was not based on facts after announcement of Election schedule.
“Those cases were filed before announcement of election schedule. So, the Commission could not give any decision for those cases,” Helaluddin said.
The EC had assured that steps will be taken to stop repressive case/s against BNP men during election, especially after announcement of Election Schedule.
