EC acting at govt’s dictate: Moudud

UNB, Dhaka :
Voicing the party’s disappointment over the role of the Election Commission (EC) in the city polls, BNP yesterday alleged that the statuary body is acting at the government’s dictate.
“The EC’s decision over deployment of army has made us disappointed. They’re thinking to conduct the polls by RAB and police changing their decision of keeping army in petrol. We think the Commission has proved that it’s working as per the government’s will by retreating from its
decision of deployment of army,” BNP standing committee member Moudud Ahmed told reporters.
He came up with the remarks while carrying out electioneering in the Press Club and Topkhana areas in favour of BNP-blessed mayoral candidate for Dhaka South City Corporation Mirza Abbas.
The BNP leader distributed leaflets among the pedestrians and sought vote from them for Abbas.
Moudud said the government is destroying the election environment by its aggressive and undemocratic attitude.
“Repeated attacks were made on BNP chief’s vehicle and her motorcade to kill her. Not only that our candidates are being arrested and obstructed from carrying out electioneering. These acts are spoiling the polls environment,” he observed.
Moudud said Mirza Abbas could not carry out polls campaign as he was charged with different politically motivated cases.
Despite adverse situation, he said the BNP backed candidates will turn out victorious if voters can cast their votes without any obstruction.