Easing VAT laws for enhancing revenue earning stressed


Rangpur Correspondant :
Rangpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) leaders on Tuesday urged the government for easing value added tax (VAT) laws and expanding VAT area to enhance revenue earning from traders.
The business leaders made the call while exchanging views on “Easing of VAT Laws and Expanding its Areas” at a Revenue Dialogue organised by RCCI at its auditorium with officials of Rangpur Divisional Customs, Excise & VAT Commissionerate.
Commissioner of the Divisional Customs, Excise & VAT Commissionerate Mohammad Ahsanul Haque attended the dialogue as the chief guest with President of RCCI M Abul Kashem in the chair.
Former FBCCI Vice-president Mostafa Azad Chowdhury Babu, Senior Vice-president of RCCI Mostafa Ahmed, Vice-president Mozammel Haque Dambel, owner of “Vinnojagat Picnic Spot” SM Kamal, Chairman of Sonic Prime Group Professor Dr Akkas Ali Sarker, addressed among others.
Joint Commissioner of the Divisional Customs, Excise & VAT Commissionerate AKM Nurul Huda Azad, Assistant Commissioner Parvez Reza Chowdhury, customs, excise and VAT officials, leaders of RCCI and Women Chamber, and business leaders attended the programme.
The RCCI leaders said they want continuous increase in VAT and other tax collection for further strengthening the national economy and accelerating development activities in the process of building a middle income Bangladesh.
They also suggested for easing VAT laws and making those more understandable along with maintaining package VAT payment systems and canceling the slab-based VAT payment systems for greater interests of the small, medium and marginal businesspersons.
They also suggested for fixing and realising VAT at different rates in place of 15 per cent in all cases and identifying new VAT payers to expand its area for enhancing revenue collection to further strengthen the national economy.
They said the businessmen are ready to pay VAT and want to have clear knowledge about VAT, customs and excise duties and better relations with concerned officials for paying VAT and taxes in a hassle-free manner upholding own dignity and honour.
