e-orange sued for evading Tk13 lakh in VAT


Business Desk :
VAT intelligence has uncovered irregularities worth Tk13 lakh at e-commerce platform eorange head office located in Gulshan.
A case has been filed on Thursday against the company under the VAT act on Thursday as evidence of tax evasion was found.
VAT Intelligence Division Director General Moinul Khan confirmed the news and said although eorange sells various products on its online platform, the VAT levied on the commission received is not properly credited.
During the drive, the eorange office was thoroughly searched and the accounts were seized.
According to the calculations, the company purchased a total of Tk245,75,53,215 worth of services/products and sold worth Tk249,63,47,710 in a specified period.
The platform earned a commission of Tk38,798,495 on the sale and the amount of VAT levied at the rate of 5% on the commission received was Tk19,39,924.75. However, the company authorities had paid only Tk6,23,767.
The investigation revealed that the e-commerce platform had evaded VAT of Tk13,16,158 by concealing the actual sales information.
The drive was carried out on 8 June led by VAT Intelligence Division Deputy Director Tanvir Ahmed following allegations that the company was embezzling huge amounts of government revenue.
