DU progs to observe Martyred Intellectuals Day & Victory Day


Dhaka University (DU) authorities are set to observe the Martyred Intellectuals Day and Victory Day in befitting manners with elaborate programmes.
The decision was made at a meeting held recently at Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Building with DU Vice-Chancellor Prof Mohammad Akhtaruzzaman in the chair.
 The programmes of Martyred Intellectuals Day include hoisting of black flags at the main points of the DU including Vice-Chancellor’s office at 6:15 am on December 14.
On the day, teachers, students, officers and employees of the university will first gather at the foot of Aparajeyo Bangla at 6:35 am and later they will place wreaths at the graveyard adjacent to university central mosque.
Later, teachers, students and university staff led by Vice-Chancellor Professor Akhtaruzzaman will place wreaths at Mirpur Martyred Intellectual Memorial at 11 am.
The programmnes of the Victory Day includes national flag hoisting at the main points of the public university.
