Aedes larvae found on site: DSCC construction co official jailed

Staff Reporter :
An official of Toma Construction Company has been handed jail terms after larvae of aedes mosquito, the carrier of dengue virus, were found at a construction site of the company in Dhaka.
Executive Magistrate Udayan Dewan on Wednesday sentenced him seven days jail term under Section 269 during a drive Dhaka South City by Corporation (DSCC) in Johnson Road in Old Dhaka.
The official was identified as Md Sayeed, 25, a Supervisor of Toma Construction.
The DSCC team found aedes mosquito larvae at an under-construction building on the road.
Toma Construction is working on the site.
Earlier of the day, DSCC Mayor Sayeed Khokon said, there is no alternative to collective awareness to prevent dengue outbreak.
The mayor said this while addressing as the chief guest at a programme on dengue prevention organised by Dhaka Metropolitan Women’s College in the capital.
“Dengue situation is turning severe day by day. The prime minister has given directives to work on preventing the expansion of disease. City authorities are trying their best to tackle the situation. People are also becoming aware in this regard,” Khokon said.
“We are conducting mobile court drives in this regard and will take steps against the owners if mosquito breeding grounds are found on their building premises,” the mayor added.