Drug Addiction

Social Problem Number One


Dr. Dewan Azad Rahman :
Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterised by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. It is mainly a disease of the body and brain.
We, all are anxious about drug addiction. It hampers our normal life. It creates a great problem in our family, society and country. There is no peace for these reasons. Our government is trying to remove these problems. But it is impossible to remove these problems without increasing awareness regarding drug addiction.
Drug addiction can be started from any ages. A study conducted by the Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN) found that 56.1% of all drug users are either students or unemployed. The adolescents can start using drug only for entertainment. Many of them start using it from mental pressure or frustration. They use them repeatedly and become addicted. It is very difficult for them to give up drug addiction. As a result, they become dependent on it. They believe that it is very effective for their fitness.
Peer pressure is a strong factor in starting to use and misuse drugs, particularly for young people. Difficult family situations or lack of a bond with parents or siblings may increase the risk of addiction. We don’t spend enough time with our children. We have no scope to gossip or telling stories with them. Both father and mother are very busy to earn more money. Children are dependent on illiterate and unconscious domestic workers. Children are spending their valuable time with them. Sometimes they use internet. But sometimes they misuse the internet system. They make friendship with bad character persons and are misguided through social media. As a result, they may go in a wrong way. Afterwards, they may suffer from mental pressure.
Lack of religious ethics, faults of Education system, bad companions, failure of personal life, unemployment problem, lack of awareness about bad effects of drug addictions are the main causes of drug addiction. Availability of drugs, inactiveness of administration and law enforcing authority are also liable for this awkward situation. Life-oriented education and strictness of the government must be maintained otherwise it is impossible to stop drug abuse.
The drug addicted persons destroy his family and also his own life. In an approximate estimation, 30 lac people take only Yaba daily. It influences badly on study. The drug addict students cannot do well in the exam. As a result self confidence will be destroyed. Understanding their problems, proper initiatives should be taken. In the context of our country, our guardians don’t show interest regarding mental health. But we have to remember that all kinds of development will be impossible without the mental development. At present children suffer from stress, anger, frustration and anxiousness because of our negligence.
A drug addict person’s judgment and decision-making capacity may be decreased. They feel a sudden disinterest in school activities or work. They often create pressure on their parents for money without a reasonable explanation. Some symptoms are noticeable, such as, dry mouth, anxiety or fearful thinking; reduce number of friends, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness, and memory problems.
Guardians should talk to their children about the risks of drug use and misuse. You should be a good listener when your children talk about peer pressure and be supportive to their efforts to resist it. You have to work on your relationship with your children. A strong, stable bond between you and your children will reduce your children’s risk of using or misusing drugs.
Drug addiction is treatable and can be successfully managed. It is also preventable. Prevention programmes involving families, schools, communities, and the media are effective for preventing or reducing drug addiction. When young people will know drug use is harmful, they tend to decrease their drug taking. Teachers, parents and healthcare providers have crucial roles in educating young people and preventing them from drug addiction.

(Dr. Dewan Azad Rahman, Researcher, Columnist, writes on education and social problems, Vice President of SAARC Teachers Federation, e-mail: [email protected])
