Drive against unfit vehicles

Some fit ones also disappear!


Joynal Abedin Khan :The city dwellers on Monday suffered a lot due to poor number of vehicles following the drive of police and BRTA (Bangladesh Road Transport Authority) against the unfit vehicles and illegal drivers. When the news of setting up of mobile court in front of the Agargaon Metrological office spread, the drivers of passenger buses instantly went on reverse gear apparently with a view to avoiding Agargaon crossing and Taltola intersections.At the same time, a section of bus owners in nexus with some influential transport leaders started to withdraw the ‘fit’ vehicles from the city roads allegedly with the intention to create pressure on the authority making an artificial transport crisis.  And so, the impact was severe on the city dwellers. Hundreds of passengers, including women and children, were seen stranded in different points of the city. Whenever they saw a bus, all rushed to the vehicle to get a space by hook or crook. Some ran after for the doors while some tried to enter the buses through the windows. The scenario was all the same from Syedabad to Mirpur and Mohammadpur ro Uttara.  “The drive against unfit vehicles that started a few days ago in the capital has kept many city-service buses off on the road,” said Muntasirul Islam, Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP).”A group of 30 lawmen set up a mobile court led by two magistrates-Mohammad Moshiur Rahman and Md Abdul Quddus-at Taltala and Agargaon yesterday noon. The mobile court aimed to remove unfit and unregistered vehicles from city streets to improve traffic situation and prevent road accidents,” the police official said.In the ninety minutes drive, the mobile court seized 15 buses and sentenced 10 bus drivers to different terms. No bus owners were punished despite they were present on the spot, he said. DMP executive magistrate Moshiur Rahman, however, termed thin presence of buses on the city streets in the wake of the drive ‘a success’. But the bus owners dismayed over the drive and said they would have no option but to keep their buses off the road if the drive continues.Meanwhile, the passengers have criticised the decision of the authorities concerned for keeping cars, motorcycles and pick-up vans out of the purview of the drive.”I need to go to Gulistan. What is the point of dropping us halfway? Even I will not be able to avail of another bus from here,” a passenger, Helal Khan, said angrily. He asked why the mobile court did not intercept cars. “Do all the cars have the fitness?” he asked.Besides, drivers have alleged harassment by the court. “I have produced all necessary documents concerning the fitness of my bus before the court, even after that, I have been detained for my driving license,” said a bus driver.He said he was driving the bus with a learner-license issued by the BRTA and his license would be issued after two months.ETC transport service’s managing director Shahidul Islam, who rushed to the spot to get a bus of their service released from the court, alleged, “All of the buses seized by the court have the genuine fitness certificate. Even after that, cases are being filed against the buses.”Magistrate Moshiur Rahman said a total of 21 buses were dumped in their five-day long drive. “This is our success that the presence of buses has decreased. People suffer in unfit bus. Maximum four people can ride on a car. So, we are not conducting drive against cars,” he added.There is widespread allegation that police contribute to the deterioration of the traffic situation by allowing the outdated vehicles ply across the city in exchange for money.
