Dr. Yunus gets bail

Labour rules violation

Court Correspondent :
Grameen Communications Chairman Nobel Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus on Sunday secured bail in a case filed over violating labour rules.
Chairman Rahibul Islam of Labour Court No.3 of Dhaka granted the bail, after he surrendered in the court yesterday.
On January 5, Labour Inspector (General) Tariqul Islam of the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments filed the case with the Dhaka Labour Court 3 against four people including Grameen Communications Chairman Nobel Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus for violating 10 rules of the Labour Act.
Three other Grameen Communications officials are Managing Director Naznin Sultana, Director Abdul Hai Khan and Deputy General Manager Gouri Shankar. The court on January 13 summoned the four to appear in it.
According to the case statement, Inspector Tariqul Islam visited Grameen Communications office on October 10, last year and found irregularities and violation of Labour rules.
