Don’t call me ex-JP Minister: Muhith

UNB, Sangsad Bhaban :
Finance Minister AMA Muhith on Monday threatened to take proper steps if Jatiya Party members call him a former minister of the party again.
He came up with the warning while taking part in discussions on the supplementary budget for 2017-18 fiscal in Parliament.
“I’ll take proper steps,” he said. The Jatiya Party members repeatedly called the
Finance Minister as their former minister in Parliament.
Jatiya Party MP Selim Uddin on Monday again called him a former minister of Jatiya Party.
“I’ve already said (about it) several times, but the Jatiya Party members are not heeding to it…I was neither a Jatiya Party member nor a minister,” an annoyed Muhith told the House. He mentioned that he was the minister of military dictator HM Ershad.
“Jatiya Party was not formed at that time, I hope they’ll keep this in mind, if they don’t I’ll take proper steps against them,” he said. Later, while taking part in discussions on the demand notice for supplementary budget, Jatiya Party MP Kazi Firoz Rashid said it was true AMA Muhith was not the minister of Jatiya Party.
“Let me assure you, Jatiya Party will never make a knowledgeable person like you a minister in the future, and for that you will not require to go to court,” he quipped. He also said, the Finance Minister is giving protection to bank robbers. “You might go to court for that in the future,” he said.