DMCH corona unit sees 98 deaths in 9 days


Staff Reporter :
A total of 98 people died in the corona unit of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) in nine days.
Among the deceased, 10 people were tested for coronavirus or covid-19.
Ward Master Mohammd Riaz of COVID-19 unit of DMCH came up with the information.
He said the admission activity for corona patient at the burn unit of the DMCH began on May 2. One died at the beginning of the admission. Till Monday, some 98 people died. Of them 10 were diagnosed with COVID-19. The rest west suspected.
He also said presently 205 people are undergoing treatment. Of them, 10 are in the intensive care unit. A total of 610 people took admission in the unit. Many returned home after treatment. Many of them, however, leave the hospital without informing the authorities.
When asked, DMCH director brigadier general AKM Nasir Uddin said, “The death rate in nine days is very high. The number of corona suspected is very high. Besides, a number of people have died after being infected with COVIS-19.”
He further said people who are suffering from heart complication, respiratory diseases and many other complications are taking admission in the corona unit. The condition of those who have died here was very critical.
