Divisional Women Agri Training Institute at Bagerhat facing manifold problems

Prof ABM Mosharraf Husain, Bagerhat :
In order to create job opportunities for the disadvantaged women of rural community, the only one Agriculture Training Institute of Khuln Division was established at Tulatala, a remote area under Morrelganj Upazila in the year 2000 has been suffering from various problems for long. At present it is running very slowly. The training programme was started there in 4 trades like agriculture, livestock, poultry and fishing culture in 2005.  
But in the month of July, 2006 all on a sudden its all the activities were postponed. After a long gap of 4 years it resumed its functioning in the year 2010 only in a new trade-honey bee culture with only 20 trainees. In the year 2011 some new courses- computer, beautification, dress making and tailoring were introduced in the institute. But all the old courses including honey bee culture were stopped. At present there are neither sufficient resource persons nor sufficient instruments to train up the trainees smoothly and well. There are 14 posts out of 21 (posts) are vacant for long 4 years. Standard food, adequate computers in the laboratory, electricity and safe water are not available in the institution.
A number of trainees complained, there is only one computer for 4 trainees. Load shedding is a regular feature during class hours from morning to evening. So, we are not in a position to receive training properly. If the authorities concerned manage a generator or a solar electrification then we will be able to receive our training properly. The trainees added, only one instructor has been taking classes from 9 am to 5 pm. Consequently, we feel boring. Even our teachers feel the same. It will be better if more than one teacher take our classes every day.
The computer instructor Asaduzzaman told, we are providing training with sincerity. But the computer is lesser than the requirement.
Dr. Mohammad Mokhlesur Rahman, Assistant Director, Training and Officer-in-charge of the institution told, we are not able to provide all types of facilities to the students due to shortage of instruments.
There are 3 trainers available for 4 trades, but minimum 8 trainers are required. Five computers out of 12 were already damaged. But required number of computers is at least 12. On the other hand, number of trainees in the institution is 70.
The food-budget for a student per day is only Tk.90.00. It is quite insufficient to meet the requirements.
The food-budget allocated 17 years ago and the same budget is still prevailing.  
As many as 1,574 women have so far received training from the Institution. Some of them are now working in their own Farms and some are working in the farms or institutions as employees. Tapan Kumar Biswas, DC (Deputy Commissioner), Bagerhat told, we are trying to solve problems through the proper channel as soon as possible.
