DIU distributes free laptops among 1200 students

Prof Dr Dil Afroza Begum, Member, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh distributing laptops among the students under "One Student-One Laptop" project on Tuesday at 71 Milonayoton of the University in the capital.
Prof Dr Dil Afroza Begum, Member, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh distributing laptops among the students under "One Student-One Laptop" project on Tuesday at 71 Milonayoton of the University in the capital.
Campus Report :
Daffodil International University (DIU) distributed 1200 DCL laptops at free of cost among the students at its continuous process of “One Student-One Laptop” project on Tuesday at 71 Milonayoton. Prof Dr Dil Afroza Begum, Member, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) was the chief guest at the event and handed over the laptops. The function was presided over by Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU. The function was also addressed by Prof Dr SM Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Acting Vice Chancellor, Hamidul Haque Khan, Treasurer, Prof Dr Engr AkM Fazlul Haoque.
Before distributing the Laptops, Hamidul Haque Khan, Treasurer of the University conducted the oath taking part of the ceremony where the students swore upon regarding the best use of the laptops in academic and education purpose.
Prof Dr Dil Afroza Begum said, more than 50 percent of our total population is young and this young generation is our strength. We have to build up this young generation with quality and standard education and only then we will be able to raise our head in the world as a developed nation within 2041. She showed the example of Japan and South Korea and said, these two countries have achieved development by building their population as a productive human resource and secondly they have innovated and invented their own technology. We will have to transform our population into productive human resource, as well as to reduce dependency on importing technology and innovate new technologies to build a developed country.
Dr Dil Afroza said, the laptop distribution program among students is an amazing activity. She said that laptop is not an electronic device only; moreover it is a medium of connectivity through all over the world. This laptop will help the students to nurse their creativity, talent and efficiency, said Dr Afroza.
Md. Sabur Khan during his speech said, technology is now a part and parcel of teaching and learning. He urged the students to be a potential ICT skilled graduate to contribute to the nation developing bright career ensuring proper utilization and application of the Laptop.
The authority of DIU has taken a gigantic initiative of “One Student: One Laptop” program which is one step ahead for digital Bangladesh. Every student admitted into Daffodil International University from Summer Semester-2010 and onward is getting a Laptop at free of cost. The Laptop will help the students to equip themselves with proper technical knowledge so that they can survive and secure respectable place in the society. Through this initiative DIU students will get the opportunity to implement digital Bangladesh concept.