DIU Chair presents keynote speech at AUAP Annual Confce

Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, BoT, Daffodil International University and also the Vice President (2nd) of Association of the Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP) along with the delegations at the 34th Annual Conference of AUAP2019 in Thailand recently.
Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, BoT, Daffodil International University and also the Vice President (2nd) of Association of the Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP) along with the delegations at the 34th Annual Conference of AUAP2019 in Thailand recently.

Campus Report :

Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, BoT, Daffodil International University (DIU) and also the Vice President (2nd) of Association of the Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP) gave keynote speech entitled ‘Cleaner and Greener Environment for a Safer World’ at its Annual Conference on Monday. The Keynote session was chaired by Dr Catherine Castaneda, Vice- President, Adamson University, Philippines.
AUAP Annual Conference 2019 held from 10-14 November based on the theme of “Climate Change adaptation-The Challenging Role of Higher Education Institutions is hosted by Naresuan University which is one of the top ten Public Universities in Thailand. University’s top executives and academicians from 15 countries across Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa have joined this annual conference. Daffodil International University signed MoU with four universities of Congo, Sudan, China and Singapore.
In the keynote presentation Dr Khan addressed and highlighted how science and technology can be used to tackle the challenges of environment with ensuring pragmatic role of higher education institutes and how universities should design course curriculum, focusing cleaner and greener environment. Examining global models on these burning issues, Dr Khan also mentioned the DIU initiatives on achieving SDGs for the better world.
