District Council elections — no easy way of making it meaningful

AGAINST the backdrop of showing extreme defiance to electoral law, an orchestrated thin participation, almost no enthusiasm and an indiscriminate spending of cash, the country is about to witness its first meaningless district council election. Moreover, in 22 districts there are no opposition candidates to compete against AL backed contestants. Seemingly, many of the AL backed contestants are likely get elected unopposed by means of corrupt compromises. In terms of election expenditures, all rules have been reportedly violated as ruling party candidates have allegedly involved in spending extravagantly by showering money and gifts to lure voters to elect them.

Not that such ill-omened and one-sided election — both at local and national levels — is new, but the question is for how long will this evil trend continue? Who is there to monitor, regulate and stop such gross electoral violations? According to news reports the prevailing vices are even getting worse by the day. Seven hundred and one candidates are reported to have sought government support but the government responses to those applications are somewhat questionable and riddled with startling facts.

Shockingly, more than one candidate of the ruling party and members of the grand alliance have submitted nominations in rest of the 41 districts. Such unimaginable violation of electoral law is far beyond one’s rational thinking.


Even more perilously, the constitution has been evidently ignored in this regard as a newly enacted law is again contradicting the constitution. Crucial decisions, such as removing election related inconsistencies and mismanagements should have been taken in consultation with district leaders. However, nothing happened and from the nature of organizing this disputed election now it seriously raises the question — whether the existing and controversial Election Commission (EC) should be allowed to function at all or not?

Blaming the Election Commission without blaming the politics of our country is hypocrisy. It is politicians of both major parties who made elections farcical by not making party politics democratic. When political parties become family business election loses all importance.

Now the opposition politicians have the hard way to make the elections meaningful.
